Day 25 - Don't Call Me Yellow
Tonight me and my mate Brian sprayed the middle section yellow. When I say me and my mate, I mean Brian sprayed and I watched and gave advice ;)It didn't exactly start great when I never thought my black finger prints on the cabinet (from painting the other side) may show through when the thinned out light yellow was sprayed on. But it worked out ok in the end as there was some white primer lying around.
Click to zoom the pictures as usual. Bri did an absolutely spot-on job, but it might take until Monday to dry ready for me to spaz it up with the fine-line so
The outside black and yellow stripes, btw, will be about three quarters of an inch (20mm or so) in thickness each and below is something like what the design is/was. The font will be different, there'll be no white stripe (too much like hard work) and the bottom will look more like the picture on the right (thanks to Dennis at, which gives a more retro looking fade using black stripes and avoids the need for having a crap gradual fade effect like in the big picture on the left.
If you're near the north-east of England and need the best motorcycle training money can buy, Brian is your man: , and he trains even better than he sprays.
Reminiscing slightly. This is what the cabinet looks like now (and the picture above).

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